A Project Tararua Initiative

Directory > Mental Wellbeing Supports for Young People

Aroha - Is a chatbot that provides practical, evidence-based tools to manage stress, maintain social conncection and stay active.  



Aunty Dee - Is a free online tool for anyone who needs some help workig through a problem.



Melon Health - Has a kete of resources to support teenagers' emotional wellbeing.  There are videos, downloadable worksheets and a 'First steps to managing anxiety' mini-course.



Mental Wealth - Has resources where you can learn more about mental health.



SPARX - Is an online self-help tool that teaches young people the key skills needed to help combat depression and anxiety in an interactive game-world.



The Lowdown - Has some great resources about recognising and understanding depression and anxiety.



For Pacific Families - If you or someone you know is feeling stressed or anxious, our friends at Vaka Tautua can offer you support through their helpline 0800 OLA LELEI (0800 652 535).

LeVa Pasifika also provides information and support for Pasifika families on mental health addiction and suicide prevention.

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